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Nokia Finally Drops Its <b>News</b>: It's Microsoft | mocoNews
The news everyone has been waiting for has finally come out: Nokia (NYSE: NOK) has done a deal with Microsoft (NSDQ: MSFT), where Windows Phone will become the primary operating system for Nokia's smartphones. The deal will bring brands ...
Small Business <b>News</b>: Wired and Mobile Entrepreneur Edition
The future, even the present, of small business is wired and mobile. Online digital technology has transformed not just marketing but networking and just about.
<b>News</b> Happening Now - KRQE
(KRQE NEWS 13) - As of 7:43 a.m. - Expectant mothers living on Albuquerque's Westside now have a shorter drive to make when they go into labor. Lovelace Hospital held a ribbon cutting on Thursday for the new birthing center at its ...
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bench craft company
Nokia Finally Drops Its <b>News</b>: It's Microsoft | mocoNews
The news everyone has been waiting for has finally come out: Nokia (NYSE: NOK) has done a deal with Microsoft (NSDQ: MSFT), where Windows Phone will become the primary operating system for Nokia's smartphones. The deal will bring brands ...
Small Business <b>News</b>: Wired and Mobile Entrepreneur Edition
The future, even the present, of small business is wired and mobile. Online digital technology has transformed not just marketing but networking and just about.
<b>News</b> Happening Now - KRQE
(KRQE NEWS 13) - As of 7:43 a.m. - Expectant mothers living on Albuquerque's Westside now have a shorter drive to make when they go into labor. Lovelace Hospital held a ribbon cutting on Thursday for the new birthing center at its ...
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Nokia Finally Drops Its <b>News</b>: It's Microsoft | mocoNews
The news everyone has been waiting for has finally come out: Nokia (NYSE: NOK) has done a deal with Microsoft (NSDQ: MSFT), where Windows Phone will become the primary operating system for Nokia's smartphones. The deal will bring brands ...
Small Business <b>News</b>: Wired and Mobile Entrepreneur Edition
The future, even the present, of small business is wired and mobile. Online digital technology has transformed not just marketing but networking and just about.
<b>News</b> Happening Now - KRQE
(KRQE NEWS 13) - As of 7:43 a.m. - Expectant mothers living on Albuquerque's Westside now have a shorter drive to make when they go into labor. Lovelace Hospital held a ribbon cutting on Thursday for the new birthing center at its ...
bench craft company
Nokia Finally Drops Its <b>News</b>: It's Microsoft | mocoNews
The news everyone has been waiting for has finally come out: Nokia (NYSE: NOK) has done a deal with Microsoft (NSDQ: MSFT), where Windows Phone will become the primary operating system for Nokia's smartphones. The deal will bring brands ...
Small Business <b>News</b>: Wired and Mobile Entrepreneur Edition
The future, even the present, of small business is wired and mobile. Online digital technology has transformed not just marketing but networking and just about.
<b>News</b> Happening Now - KRQE
(KRQE NEWS 13) - As of 7:43 a.m. - Expectant mothers living on Albuquerque's Westside now have a shorter drive to make when they go into labor. Lovelace Hospital held a ribbon cutting on Thursday for the new birthing center at its ...
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bench craft company
bench craft company
bench craft company
Nokia Finally Drops Its <b>News</b>: It's Microsoft | mocoNews
The news everyone has been waiting for has finally come out: Nokia (NYSE: NOK) has done a deal with Microsoft (NSDQ: MSFT), where Windows Phone will become the primary operating system for Nokia's smartphones. The deal will bring brands ...
Small Business <b>News</b>: Wired and Mobile Entrepreneur Edition
The future, even the present, of small business is wired and mobile. Online digital technology has transformed not just marketing but networking and just about.
<b>News</b> Happening Now - KRQE
(KRQE NEWS 13) - As of 7:43 a.m. - Expectant mothers living on Albuquerque's Westside now have a shorter drive to make when they go into labor. Lovelace Hospital held a ribbon cutting on Thursday for the new birthing center at its ...
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After your first month of college you may feel discouraged because you have discovered that you seriously lack skills you once thought you've mastered. Many students also experience an identity crisis or feel impersonal, especially when they were most popular in high school and then enter college just to find out they are just a minnow in a social sea of beautiful sharks. Overcoming the initial shock and learning how to focus on your priorities is a required prerequisite before you can move on to your next quarter since it is not possible to get good grades without the two. Here are some college successes tips that will help you become a better college student.
Discovering yourself
Now that you have discovered who you are not, do not be hard on yourself. Judging yourself negatively will distract you in your classes and in your studies because your too busy telling yourself you're a loser, stupid or believing you are not cut out for college. That was one of my biggest issues and apparently other student's issues also because soon as the course became intimidating, the class size would drop tremendously. Most students, who drop a course, do so because they believe they are not smart enough to pass the class.
College is the best time for you to discover yourself and indeed you will. You are no longer under the peer pressure of high school and there is no one to influence how you talk, dress or what activities you participate in. College is such a diverse society that allows you the freedom to express your style without experiencing stares, whispers and insults that you would with high schoolers. When this newly discovered freedom is taken advantage of, you will be more open to do many things that have always interest you. Find out what current interests and habits are keeping you are holding you back. Adopting new interests and habits will be more positive ones as you drop the bad ones. When you realize you no longer need the approval of others you will slowly come out of your shell. In doing so your circle of friends may change and your philosophy of life will change, but it will be a positive one. Once you have discovered yourself and are comfortable with whom you are your concentration on your studies and focusing on priorities will improve 100%.
Once you find out who you really are and what you really would like to do, you may decide to change your major which is great considering most people are successful because they are doing something they always wanted to do.
Putting priorities in order
Getting your priorities straight will be one of the most difficult tasks for entering the college world and being a successful person. There will simply be things you just do not want to let go, but you have to or at least tone it down significantly. If you attend college full time and practice good study skills, there is no way you can hang out at your local game room three times a week, shack up over a date's place every other day, go to the casino every Sunday and hit the clubs every Friday and Saturday. It also cost money to do these things and learning how to budget your money will come as a hard lesson to you if you continue to engage in such behavior on a compulsive basis.
You should create a list of what is important to you and if your finances and getting through college are not at the top of your list, then you have some serious thinking to do considering you cannot succeed without these priorities. Be specific in your list of priorities, rather than writing down "passing my classes" write "getting a B in chemistry" or "Do not spend more than $50 on recreation activities a week." Being specific with goals and priorities makes them more realistic and noticeable when you do not follow through. Noticing you do not have your priorities straight and your lack of control will make you work harder at self control.
Show up to all your classes
One of the main reasons students fail college courses is lack of attendance. Missing two classes can easily cause you to fail the whole course for several different reasons. One, most instructors do not let you make up missed work and you basically lose points off your overall score. Two, if the day you missed was a day an assignment was due then you may be out of luck, many instructor policies are turn it in a specific day or by the deadline or forever hold it. You are no longer in high school where your teacher will wait till you return to get your homework or inform you that you did not turn in an assignment last week. Three, you can miss so much lecture by missing a single day of class that you can never fully understand or misunderstand a specific concept or material that you end up failing that section on a quiz or test. Unless you are really sick or a serious situation has occurred, no class is worth not attending. Besides you done paid thousands of dollars in tuition which should make you want to get your money's worth. Those that receive financial aid run the risk of being on restriction of attending the following quarter until they return the money they received for the classes they did not attend.
What to do when you are in class
If you really want to improve as a student then you need to move out of your comfort zone, for instance the back of the classroom. Start sitting in the front of the class, for one you are more likely to pay attention and not disrespect your instructor by texting your friends or on your MySpace page on your laptop. Don't just show up, be there mentally by taking effective notes, asking questions, voice your opinions and contribute to discussions. Last, understand that the instructors job is to teach you, so preventing him/her from doing that by engaging in unrelated conversations, having headphones on or text messaging can be very frustrating and disrespectful to your instructor.
Study time
For every credit hour you should allow yourself two hours of study time. If your math class is 3 credit hours, then you need a minimal of 6 hours a week study time a week for that class and do not include the hours you are actually sitting in the class. If you are easily distracted then you need to figure out where is a good place for you to study. Focusing on the study material can be difficult when you cannot concentrate due to too many things on your mind. You must learn how to resolve these issues to practice good study habits. the lack of focus causes you to quit studying the subject soon after opening the books, causes you to be bored easily or you just give up studying that day and resort to negative behavior. On more detailed tips on how to study go to, I like this website because they help you with about every issue with studying. Another website you can find ways to improve your studying is .
Eating and drinking habits
What you drink and eat can affect your performance in class or studying. Practicing healthy eating habits gives you mental and physical energy to be successful in college. Eating whole grains, vegetables, fruits and low-fat dairy products will provide you with that energy, though drinking plenty of water is important to keeping energized and healthy. I am sure you will see students entering the classroom with coffee, mountain dew and energy drinks for a quick fix to be alert in class; those may work for the moment, but can be unhealthy. For more on foods that give you energy go to or for guidelines on nutrition go to
Enroll in a college success course
Many schools have a college success course to help students prepare for college and be a successful college student. It would be of a significant benefit to enroll in your college's success course because you will learn study skills such as memory devices, test-taking and the proper way to take notes. College success courses teach personal development skills, time management and goal setting. While attending this course you will
discover the many obstacles in the way of your success and learn valuable tools to make your college experience a smooth success. This course is recommended to every new student and usually is one credit hour, although it is not, but I believe it should be required. If your school does not offer this course go to, they offer an online college success course and an e-book on college success for $14.99. This website has been a tremendous help to me not just in learning college success skills, but you will find materials and study activities related to the very classes and book editions that you are currently enrolled. For instance, the exact chapter you are covering, CourseSmart will have study questions and activities for that book. You may even find the exact questions presented on your tests.
Following these tips will point you in the right direction and make a stressful college experience a more pleasant, productive, successful one.
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