Friday, 29 July 2011

internet marketing

This is the second part in a three-part series that will run this week at HuffPost on why lost privacy online matters for economic equity in our economy. The first part looked at the ways lost privacy leads to greater economic inequality in our economy and how Google users are encouraged to give up that personal data without recognizing its real value.

While many commentators focus on how individuals use various Google tools, but those tools are not Google's business but a way to encourage those individual users to part with personal data, which can then be resold to advertisers. The question is why user information is so useful to companies and why they pay Google so much for the precision in user targeting that it can deliver.

"Pain Points" and Price Discrimination: The nicest version of why companies pay so much is that it helps them find the customers most likely to be interested in their products, and that's no doubt part of it. But the darker version is that it also helps them differentiate between different customer segments and target particular offers to different audiences. One great advantage of online marketing is that it facilitates what economists call "price discrimination", selling the same exact good at a variety of prices. This is based on the reality that people have different maximum prices that they are willing to pay, a so-called "paint point" after which they won't buy the product.

The ideal for a seller would be to sell a product to each customer at their individual "pain point" price. With public advertising, a customer willing to pay a higher price will demand the lower price advertised to someone else. However, datamining and targeted Internet advertising allows sellers to make different advertising offers to particular groups of consumers based on correlations derived from past behavior. The New York Times recently profiled how web coupons are used in a similar manner to target offers based on user behavior. As Ed Mierzwinski, consumer program director for the United States Public Interest Research Group (USPIRG) noted, companies "offer you, perhaps, less desirable products than they offer me, or offer you the same product as they offer me but at a higher price." USPIRG is asking the Federal Trade Commission for tighter rules on all online advertising precisely because of this problem.

Behavioral Tracking and Google: Such an approach does not require sellers to know who any individual user is -- and Google makes a big deal about not sharing personally identifiable data about individuals with advertisers. But given a company database on how different groups interact with their product, any general data shared by Google with advertisers will pay off in maximizing profit extracted from customers.

Technology consultant Ahmadali Arabshahi gives an example of how such behavioral tracking works for Google in creating a profile for advertisers: "If a user frequents websites with information on how to save money then Google would know that the user is price sensitive. But if a Gmail user receives a reservation confirmation email from a very expensive restaurant then Google would conclude that the user is price insensitive." He sees Google's launch into Groupon-like Offers working with local businesses as a way for the company to directly cash in on that data.

As early as 2005, Google was applying for patents on how to sell advertising based on such behavioral tracking, where as one patent specified, "advertisements are personalized in response to a search profile that is derived from personalized search results. The search results are personalized based on a user profile of the user providing the query. "

Google is now working with advertisers so they can coordinate datamining information those companies have created based on particular demographic groups independently with the profiling Google develops on users based on their previous browsing activity, behavior and location. Google began a beta test of this capability two years ago back in 2009 and has been introducing it to different groups of advertisers over time.

All of this means that companies working with Google can more and more effectively divide the market into thousands of segments and target advertising and offers to maximize the price paid by each demographic and interest group they can identify.

Reempowering Racial Discrimination: This targeted price discrimination based on behavioral tracking, unfortunately, directly enhances the most traditional kinds of racial discrimination. Study after study has shown that employers, financial lenders, car salesmen and other merchants continue to charge black and Hispanic customers more for the same service when they can identify them.

For example, a study by the Urban Institute using paired "testers" -- one white person and one person of color with similar economic profiles -- found that non-white homebuyers received less favorable financial terms from mortgage lending institutions. Job seekers face similar discrimination with one study, where nearly identical resumes were sent to 1300 help-wanted ads, found that resumes with a "white-sounding" name were 50 percent more likely to get a call for an interview than one with a black-sounding name.

The Internet was supposed to let people escape such easy discrimination, but behavioral tracking makes such identification trivial. Add together someone's taste in music and a few more characteristics and you have an almost perfect proxy for race. As Rebecca Goldin, a George Mason University professor, argued in a 2009 article, it's clearly illegal to discriminate based on race, but if companies offer loan rates based on their shopping habits, it raises the question of "would it be legal or ethical to use the kind of music one buys to determine his or her loan rate?"

Given that we know straight up racial discrimination happens all the time in these commercial transactions, what the Internet supplies is a multivariate datamining opportunity to discriminate in ever more precise ways that may largely escape legal scrutiny.

Part 3 of this series looks at the role of Google in the subprime mortgage debacle and its aftermath, as well as the broader antitrust implications of the company's dominant role as an intermediary for behavioral targeting of consumers by advertisers.

This is the second part in a three-part series that will run this week at HuffPost on why lost privacy online matters for economic equity in our economy. The first part looked at the ways lost privacy leads to greater economic inequality in our economy and how Google users are encouraged to give up that personal data without recognizing its real value.

While many commentators focus on how individuals use various Google tools, but those tools are not Google's business but a way to encourage those individual users to part with personal data, which can then be resold to advertisers. The question is why user information is so useful to companies and why they pay Google so much for the precision in user targeting that it can deliver.

"Pain Points" and Price Discrimination: The nicest version of why companies pay so much is that it helps them find the customers most likely to be interested in their products, and that's no doubt part of it. But the darker version is that it also helps them differentiate between different customer segments and target particular offers to different audiences. One great advantage of online marketing is that it facilitates what economists call "price discrimination", selling the same exact good at a variety of prices. This is based on the reality that people have different maximum prices that they are willing to pay, a so-called "paint point" after which they won't buy the product.

The ideal for a seller would be to sell a product to each customer at their individual "pain point" price. With public advertising, a customer willing to pay a higher price will demand the lower price advertised to someone else. However, datamining and targeted Internet advertising allows sellers to make different advertising offers to particular groups of consumers based on correlations derived from past behavior. The New York Times recently profiled how web coupons are used in a similar manner to target offers based on user behavior. As Ed Mierzwinski, consumer program director for the United States Public Interest Research Group (USPIRG) noted, companies "offer you, perhaps, less desirable products than they offer me, or offer you the same product as they offer me but at a higher price." USPIRG is asking the Federal Trade Commission for tighter rules on all online advertising precisely because of this problem.

Behavioral Tracking and Google: Such an approach does not require sellers to know who any individual user is -- and Google makes a big deal about not sharing personally identifiable data about individuals with advertisers. But given a company database on how different groups interact with their product, any general data shared by Google with advertisers will pay off in maximizing profit extracted from customers.

Technology consultant Ahmadali Arabshahi gives an example of how such behavioral tracking works for Google in creating a profile for advertisers: "If a user frequents websites with information on how to save money then Google would know that the user is price sensitive. But if a Gmail user receives a reservation confirmation email from a very expensive restaurant then Google would conclude that the user is price insensitive." He sees Google's launch into Groupon-like Offers working with local businesses as a way for the company to directly cash in on that data.

As early as 2005, Google was applying for patents on how to sell advertising based on such behavioral tracking, where as one patent specified, "advertisements are personalized in response to a search profile that is derived from personalized search results. The search results are personalized based on a user profile of the user providing the query. "

Google is now working with advertisers so they can coordinate datamining information those companies have created based on particular demographic groups independently with the profiling Google develops on users based on their previous browsing activity, behavior and location. Google began a beta test of this capability two years ago back in 2009 and has been introducing it to different groups of advertisers over time.

All of this means that companies working with Google can more and more effectively divide the market into thousands of segments and target advertising and offers to maximize the price paid by each demographic and interest group they can identify.

Reempowering Racial Discrimination: This targeted price discrimination based on behavioral tracking, unfortunately, directly enhances the most traditional kinds of racial discrimination. Study after study has shown that employers, financial lenders, car salesmen and other merchants continue to charge black and Hispanic customers more for the same service when they can identify them.

For example, a study by the Urban Institute using paired "testers" -- one white person and one person of color with similar economic profiles -- found that non-white homebuyers received less favorable financial terms from mortgage lending institutions. Job seekers face similar discrimination with one study, where nearly identical resumes were sent to 1300 help-wanted ads, found that resumes with a "white-sounding" name were 50 percent more likely to get a call for an interview than one with a black-sounding name.

The Internet was supposed to let people escape such easy discrimination, but behavioral tracking makes such identification trivial. Add together someone's taste in music and a few more characteristics and you have an almost perfect proxy for race. As Rebecca Goldin, a George Mason University professor, argued in a 2009 article, it's clearly illegal to discriminate based on race, but if companies offer loan rates based on their shopping habits, it raises the question of "would it be legal or ethical to use the kind of music one buys to determine his or her loan rate?"

Given that we know straight up racial discrimination happens all the time in these commercial transactions, what the Internet supplies is a multivariate datamining opportunity to discriminate in ever more precise ways that may largely escape legal scrutiny.

Part 3 of this series looks at the role of Google in the subprime mortgage debacle and its aftermath, as well as the broader antitrust implications of the company's dominant role as an intermediary for behavioral targeting of consumers by advertisers.

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NBC <b>News</b> -- We Didn&#39;t Offer Casey Anthony A Red Cent |

NBC News tells TMZ ... it did not offer Casey Anthony any money for an interview with her. An NBC rep tells us, "NBC News has not and will not be in a…

NBC <b>News</b> -- We Didn&#39;t Offer Casey Anthony A Red Cent |

Retweeting rumors and the reality of <b>news</b> as a process — Tech <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

Are those who post unverified reports on Twitter playing an important role in the new ecosystem of news, or being irresponsible and indulging in gossip? That question goes to the heart of the idea of news as a process ...

Retweeting rumors and the reality of <b>news</b> as a process — Tech <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

TechCrunched: <b>News</b> In 90 Seconds | TechCrunch

We've taken some of the biggest news stories of the week and put them together for you in TechCrunched. On the heels of recent management changes at Twitter, the company is now changing the way brands interact with users ...

TechCrunched: <b>News</b> In 90 Seconds | TechCrunch
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NBC <b>News</b> -- We Didn&#39;t Offer Casey Anthony A Red Cent |

NBC News tells TMZ ... it did not offer Casey Anthony any money for an interview with her. An NBC rep tells us, "NBC News has not and will not be in a…

NBC <b>News</b> -- We Didn&#39;t Offer Casey Anthony A Red Cent |

Retweeting rumors and the reality of <b>news</b> as a process — Tech <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

Are those who post unverified reports on Twitter playing an important role in the new ecosystem of news, or being irresponsible and indulging in gossip? That question goes to the heart of the idea of news as a process ...

Retweeting rumors and the reality of <b>news</b> as a process — Tech <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

TechCrunched: <b>News</b> In 90 Seconds | TechCrunch

We've taken some of the biggest news stories of the week and put them together for you in TechCrunched. On the heels of recent management changes at Twitter, the company is now changing the way brands interact with users ...

TechCrunched: <b>News</b> In 90 Seconds | TechCrunch
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NBC <b>News</b> -- We Didn&#39;t Offer Casey Anthony A Red Cent |

NBC News tells TMZ ... it did not offer Casey Anthony any money for an interview with her. An NBC rep tells us, "NBC News has not and will not be in a…

NBC <b>News</b> -- We Didn&#39;t Offer Casey Anthony A Red Cent |

Retweeting rumors and the reality of <b>news</b> as a process — Tech <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

Are those who post unverified reports on Twitter playing an important role in the new ecosystem of news, or being irresponsible and indulging in gossip? That question goes to the heart of the idea of news as a process ...

Retweeting rumors and the reality of <b>news</b> as a process — Tech <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

TechCrunched: <b>News</b> In 90 Seconds | TechCrunch

We've taken some of the biggest news stories of the week and put them together for you in TechCrunched. On the heels of recent management changes at Twitter, the company is now changing the way brands interact with users ...

TechCrunched: <b>News</b> In 90 Seconds | TechCrunch
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NBC <b>News</b> -- We Didn&#39;t Offer Casey Anthony A Red Cent |

NBC News tells TMZ ... it did not offer Casey Anthony any money for an interview with her. An NBC rep tells us, "NBC News has not and will not be in a…

NBC <b>News</b> -- We Didn&#39;t Offer Casey Anthony A Red Cent |

Retweeting rumors and the reality of <b>news</b> as a process — Tech <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

Are those who post unverified reports on Twitter playing an important role in the new ecosystem of news, or being irresponsible and indulging in gossip? That question goes to the heart of the idea of news as a process ...

Retweeting rumors and the reality of <b>news</b> as a process — Tech <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

TechCrunched: <b>News</b> In 90 Seconds | TechCrunch

We've taken some of the biggest news stories of the week and put them together for you in TechCrunched. On the heels of recent management changes at Twitter, the company is now changing the way brands interact with users ...

TechCrunched: <b>News</b> In 90 Seconds | TechCrunch
surface encounters complaints surface encounters complaints

NBC <b>News</b> -- We Didn&#39;t Offer Casey Anthony A Red Cent |

NBC News tells TMZ ... it did not offer Casey Anthony any money for an interview with her. An NBC rep tells us, "NBC News has not and will not be in a…

NBC <b>News</b> -- We Didn&#39;t Offer Casey Anthony A Red Cent |

Retweeting rumors and the reality of <b>news</b> as a process — Tech <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

Are those who post unverified reports on Twitter playing an important role in the new ecosystem of news, or being irresponsible and indulging in gossip? That question goes to the heart of the idea of news as a process ...

Retweeting rumors and the reality of <b>news</b> as a process — Tech <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

TechCrunched: <b>News</b> In 90 Seconds | TechCrunch

We've taken some of the biggest news stories of the week and put them together for you in TechCrunched. On the heels of recent management changes at Twitter, the company is now changing the way brands interact with users ...

TechCrunched: <b>News</b> In 90 Seconds | TechCrunch
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NBC <b>News</b> -- We Didn&#39;t Offer Casey Anthony A Red Cent |

NBC News tells TMZ ... it did not offer Casey Anthony any money for an interview with her. An NBC rep tells us, "NBC News has not and will not be in a…

NBC <b>News</b> -- We Didn&#39;t Offer Casey Anthony A Red Cent |

Retweeting rumors and the reality of <b>news</b> as a process — Tech <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

Are those who post unverified reports on Twitter playing an important role in the new ecosystem of news, or being irresponsible and indulging in gossip? That question goes to the heart of the idea of news as a process ...

Retweeting rumors and the reality of <b>news</b> as a process — Tech <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

TechCrunched: <b>News</b> In 90 Seconds | TechCrunch

We've taken some of the biggest news stories of the week and put them together for you in TechCrunched. On the heels of recent management changes at Twitter, the company is now changing the way brands interact with users ...

TechCrunched: <b>News</b> In 90 Seconds | TechCrunch
surface encounters macomb mi <surface encounters macomb mi

NBC <b>News</b> -- We Didn&#39;t Offer Casey Anthony A Red Cent |

NBC News tells TMZ ... it did not offer Casey Anthony any money for an interview with her. An NBC rep tells us, "NBC News has not and will not be in a…

NBC <b>News</b> -- We Didn&#39;t Offer Casey Anthony A Red Cent |

Retweeting rumors and the reality of <b>news</b> as a process — Tech <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

Are those who post unverified reports on Twitter playing an important role in the new ecosystem of news, or being irresponsible and indulging in gossip? That question goes to the heart of the idea of news as a process ...

Retweeting rumors and the reality of <b>news</b> as a process — Tech <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

TechCrunched: <b>News</b> In 90 Seconds | TechCrunch

We've taken some of the biggest news stories of the week and put them together for you in TechCrunched. On the heels of recent management changes at Twitter, the company is now changing the way brands interact with users ...

TechCrunched: <b>News</b> In 90 Seconds | TechCrunch
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NBC <b>News</b> -- We Didn&#39;t Offer Casey Anthony A Red Cent |

NBC News tells TMZ ... it did not offer Casey Anthony any money for an interview with her. An NBC rep tells us, "NBC News has not and will not be in a…

NBC <b>News</b> -- We Didn&#39;t Offer Casey Anthony A Red Cent |

Retweeting rumors and the reality of <b>news</b> as a process — Tech <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

Are those who post unverified reports on Twitter playing an important role in the new ecosystem of news, or being irresponsible and indulging in gossip? That question goes to the heart of the idea of news as a process ...

Retweeting rumors and the reality of <b>news</b> as a process — Tech <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

TechCrunched: <b>News</b> In 90 Seconds | TechCrunch

We've taken some of the biggest news stories of the week and put them together for you in TechCrunched. On the heels of recent management changes at Twitter, the company is now changing the way brands interact with users ...

TechCrunched: <b>News</b> In 90 Seconds | TechCrunch
surface encounters rock tops surface encounters rock tops

NBC <b>News</b> -- We Didn&#39;t Offer Casey Anthony A Red Cent |

NBC News tells TMZ ... it did not offer Casey Anthony any money for an interview with her. An NBC rep tells us, "NBC News has not and will not be in a…

NBC <b>News</b> -- We Didn&#39;t Offer Casey Anthony A Red Cent |

Retweeting rumors and the reality of <b>news</b> as a process — Tech <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

Are those who post unverified reports on Twitter playing an important role in the new ecosystem of news, or being irresponsible and indulging in gossip? That question goes to the heart of the idea of news as a process ...

Retweeting rumors and the reality of <b>news</b> as a process — Tech <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

TechCrunched: <b>News</b> In 90 Seconds | TechCrunch

We've taken some of the biggest news stories of the week and put them together for you in TechCrunched. On the heels of recent management changes at Twitter, the company is now changing the way brands interact with users ...

TechCrunched: <b>News</b> In 90 Seconds | TechCrunch
surface encounters mi surface encounters mi

NBC <b>News</b> -- We Didn&#39;t Offer Casey Anthony A Red Cent |

NBC News tells TMZ ... it did not offer Casey Anthony any money for an interview with her. An NBC rep tells us, "NBC News has not and will not be in a…

NBC <b>News</b> -- We Didn&#39;t Offer Casey Anthony A Red Cent |

Retweeting rumors and the reality of <b>news</b> as a process — Tech <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

Are those who post unverified reports on Twitter playing an important role in the new ecosystem of news, or being irresponsible and indulging in gossip? That question goes to the heart of the idea of news as a process ...

Retweeting rumors and the reality of <b>news</b> as a process — Tech <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

TechCrunched: <b>News</b> In 90 Seconds | TechCrunch

We've taken some of the biggest news stories of the week and put them together for you in TechCrunched. On the heels of recent management changes at Twitter, the company is now changing the way brands interact with users ...

TechCrunched: <b>News</b> In 90 Seconds | TechCrunch
surface encounters mi surface encounters mi

NBC <b>News</b> -- We Didn&#39;t Offer Casey Anthony A Red Cent |

NBC News tells TMZ ... it did not offer Casey Anthony any money for an interview with her. An NBC rep tells us, "NBC News has not and will not be in a…

NBC <b>News</b> -- We Didn&#39;t Offer Casey Anthony A Red Cent |

Retweeting rumors and the reality of <b>news</b> as a process — Tech <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

Are those who post unverified reports on Twitter playing an important role in the new ecosystem of news, or being irresponsible and indulging in gossip? That question goes to the heart of the idea of news as a process ...

Retweeting rumors and the reality of <b>news</b> as a process — Tech <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

TechCrunched: <b>News</b> In 90 Seconds | TechCrunch

We've taken some of the biggest news stories of the week and put them together for you in TechCrunched. On the heels of recent management changes at Twitter, the company is now changing the way brands interact with users ...

TechCrunched: <b>News</b> In 90 Seconds | TechCrunch
surface encounters quality marbl... surface encounters quality marbl...

NBC <b>News</b> -- We Didn&#39;t Offer Casey Anthony A Red Cent |

NBC News tells TMZ ... it did not offer Casey Anthony any money for an interview with her. An NBC rep tells us, "NBC News has not and will not be in a…

NBC <b>News</b> -- We Didn&#39;t Offer Casey Anthony A Red Cent |

Retweeting rumors and the reality of <b>news</b> as a process — Tech <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

Are those who post unverified reports on Twitter playing an important role in the new ecosystem of news, or being irresponsible and indulging in gossip? That question goes to the heart of the idea of news as a process ...

Retweeting rumors and the reality of <b>news</b> as a process — Tech <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

TechCrunched: <b>News</b> In 90 Seconds | TechCrunch

We've taken some of the biggest news stories of the week and put them together for you in TechCrunched. On the heels of recent management changes at Twitter, the company is now changing the way brands interact with users ...

TechCrunched: <b>News</b> In 90 Seconds | TechCrunch
surface encounters quality marbl...

NBC <b>News</b> -- We Didn&#39;t Offer Casey Anthony A Red Cent |

NBC News tells TMZ ... it did not offer Casey Anthony any money for an interview with her. An NBC rep tells us, "NBC News has not and will not be in a…

NBC <b>News</b> -- We Didn&#39;t Offer Casey Anthony A Red Cent |

Retweeting rumors and the reality of <b>news</b> as a process — Tech <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

Are those who post unverified reports on Twitter playing an important role in the new ecosystem of news, or being irresponsible and indulging in gossip? That question goes to the heart of the idea of news as a process ...

Retweeting rumors and the reality of <b>news</b> as a process — Tech <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

TechCrunched: <b>News</b> In 90 Seconds | TechCrunch

We've taken some of the biggest news stories of the week and put them together for you in TechCrunched. On the heels of recent management changes at Twitter, the company is now changing the way brands interact with users ...

TechCrunched: <b>News</b> In 90 Seconds | TechCrunch
surface encounters quality marbl... surface encounters.

NBC <b>News</b> -- We Didn&#39;t Offer Casey Anthony A Red Cent |

NBC News tells TMZ ... it did not offer Casey Anthony any money for an interview with her. An NBC rep tells us, "NBC News has not and will not be in a…

NBC <b>News</b> -- We Didn&#39;t Offer Casey Anthony A Red Cent |

Retweeting rumors and the reality of <b>news</b> as a process — Tech <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

Are those who post unverified reports on Twitter playing an important role in the new ecosystem of news, or being irresponsible and indulging in gossip? That question goes to the heart of the idea of news as a process ...

Retweeting rumors and the reality of <b>news</b> as a process — Tech <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

TechCrunched: <b>News</b> In 90 Seconds | TechCrunch

We've taken some of the biggest news stories of the week and put them together for you in TechCrunched. On the heels of recent management changes at Twitter, the company is now changing the way brands interact with users ...

TechCrunched: <b>News</b> In 90 Seconds | TechCrunch

Friday, 22 July 2011

Immediate Payday Loan- Get money wired for your account

If you're in need of emergency money but have poor credit rating or bankruptcy background, then you may want to think about availing a poor credit score payday loan. Numerous lenders offer these loans that allow you to borrow money up to £1000 or more in simple and convenient way. A payday loan company won't carry out a credit examine to approve your loan software. Your qualification for obtaining mortgage is mainly based on your capability to repay.

A peep into the functions

A instant payday loansis a type of money advance in that you borrow money and return it following your next payday. The mortgage term is usually among 14 and 21 days with the interest rate somewhat higher than regular financial institution loans or credit score cards. This really is understandable because these loans do not think about bad credit background and need no collateral as component of the loan qualifications. In addition to it, the procedure of securing a bad credit score payday loan is very fast compared to every other standard loans.

The approval process for obtaining the loan is very fast. Some payday mortgage lenders are in a position to process your application as fast as in 24 hrs or much less. You obtain the cash deposited directly into your nominated bank account. This will mean you can fairly a lot resolve your financial emergency in the same day. Imagine when you have overdue expenses to spend such as medical invoice, car repair, utility bill, etc. Getting a payday loan can assist you to ease your mind while you're also sure that you can make the repayment on your subsequent payday.

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Automatic Repayment

You're required to repay the amount in a single installment. The payment will be setup and automatically deducted out of your checking account on the due date. You will wish to make certain that the money are accessible on your payday as there would be a charge in the event the debit is rejected out of your account. Even though getting a bad credit score payday mortgage is extremely simple, you need to always evaluate various rates from numerous loan companies before generating a mortgage decision. Some lenders use different charge structure, a lot rely on their location. On leading of that, make certain which you use the online payday loansinside the timeframe you agreed to steer clear of prolonged fees that would incur due to late payment.

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As contemporary consumers, people have become educated to comparison cost frequently for services people pay cash for. Financial solutions for example mortgages, insurance coverage, also banking are a few of most likely probably the most competitively priced solutions that battle for business. 1 of those, car insurance coverage is most likely probably the most aggressive. There are numerous companies that promote car insurance coverage for a wide assortment of costs and actually is vital that you have an understanding of the variations amongst the companies and why you will discover such a wide assortment of prices.

Businesses that consist of car insurance can be frequently categorized into two classes: on-line and full support. There are several fundamental dissimilarity amongst each of those company kinds which has a great impact on prices and support.

On-line insurance coverage is extremely well-liked for individuals who're definitely computer experienced and comfy with doing company on-line. This demographic is expanding, but occurs to become more youthful and busier and views the capability to search on-line and quote, acquire and print insurance coverage paperwork by on their own with out worrying about the advantage for talking with an insurance coverage agent as a comfort and not as being a risk. Those who are structured to focus on this demographic are actually established to become the price leader simply because they truly do not have the accessible funds invested inside a major facilities and in an agent power and may provide a price reduction but still keep on being productive.

car insurance by advicecarinsurance

Full service businesses are designed beneath a various company viewpoint. They promote their policies via a network of area agents who maintain an actual office. They've acquired advertising techniques and methods which core about becoming able to grant customized 1 on 1 support. Furthermore, complete instant auto insurance support companies will usually manage to package deal policies plus provide package offer decreased costs for purchasers who have home and life policies that is in particular cases are much more competitive compared to promoting price that the web based policies provide for the automobile alone.

An additional factor to consider whenever you compare web based companies to actual service companies is the support when dealing with statements. Typically, the internet primarily based policies won't be able to deal with a claim as rapidly or resourcefully as the full company will be in a position to.

The on-line policies will usually use a 3rd party contract insurance adjuster who generally includes a big backlog of statements to appear more than. But, full service policy that will have accessibility to many in-house statements adjusters who'll go and consider care of the claim immediately.

Thursday, 21 July 2011

Know The Significance Of your Free Credit score

Some are even searching at bankruptcy in their tough work to get rid of credit card debt. Bank card debt settlement could aid a borrower steer clear of that.

7 to ten Many years

Personal bankruptcy has a extremely prolonged phrase damaging influence around the purchaser who uses it to obtain from financial debt. But, plenty of Americans are going via personal bankruptcy. Personal bankruptcy can remain on your credit score report from seven to ten decades. That smudge in your credit report can make it pretty difficult to obtain a residence, or perhaps a automobile, and even a job, in the long term. You will find other options to bankruptcy for these with mind-boggling financial financial debt, online credit report or in every other situation.

Bank card debt Settlement a Fantastic Option to obtain rid of Credit score score Card Credit card debt

1 these kinds of option that exists is really a tactic recognized as monetary financial debt settlement. What transpires is the fact that a debtor negotiates having a creditor to spend back a portion of the financial debt. Hunting at the option - missed payments, frequent reminders and cellphone calls, bankruptcy - a creditor may probably very properly be eager to go more than a decrease payback quantity or decrease month to month payments. Particularly with so lots of buyers facing bankruptcy or the prospect of defaulting, most collectors are delighted to obtain some money somewhat than none. Forestalling bankruptcy can be an outstanding effective condition for both equally you as well as your creditor.

METRO’s Credit Report Workshop by

Credit score score Card Monetary financial debt Settlement Negotiation

Approaching a mortgage business, perhaps a single you've had to deal with within the previous rather than on probably the most amicable conditions, can be intimidating. There's also a great deal of monetary track document awareness the regular purchaser just does not have. The typical shopper just does not possess a superior hold on their rights and strengths.

Pennies around the Dollar toward Eliminating Bank card Financial debt

Monetary financial debt settlement needs a online credit report negotiator approaching each and every single lender and negotiate a pay-back choice. Usually, this total may be truly important -- as much as 50% or a lot much more with the genuine debt. So fairly a couple of individuals at current are on the brink of individual catastrophe, usually hunting to personal bankruptcy. Since of this, many collectors are relieved to become acquiring something on the bank card debt considerably than subsequent to absolutely nothing. That will happen quickly need to a borrower declare personal bankruptcy.

Finding a Negotiator

Bank card debt negotiators know how you can tactic lenders and other collectors. They have an in-depth know-how of monetary markets, economic developments, and also the fluctuation of curiosity costs and currencies. This information may be priceless when it arrive to negotiating a financial debt settlement. Also, just following preliminary negotiations, the negotiator will probably be prepared to provide you the conquer shopper as to their rights and choice pertaining towards the bank card debt.

Payment Because of

As soon as all of the negotiations have taken region, and this can obtain weeks, specifically if you have much more than 1 or two collectors with whom you're making an try to get rid of credit card financial debt, the payments will probably be produced towards the negotiator and she or he will maintain track the conditions they have negotiated are stored. The debtor will end up doing 1 particular cost-effective payment the moment per month, to 1 specific place, at one rate of interest.

Hoodia Gordonii - The Awesome Normal Weight loss Method

The way in which hoodia gordonii works is quite easy. After consumption, the active molecule in Hoodia-P57-acts as a healthy blood sugar stabilizer, which in flip prevents the insulin spike that triggers starvation. The outcome is an prolonged feeling fullness, regularly for as much as six hours following eating, along with the elimination with the urge to snack in in between meals. Which is why they're stated to become amongst the best diet plan supplements that operate.

What this suggests is that persons who consume substantially much less on a daily foundation, sometimes resulting in weight reduction. For example, inside a 2006 study performed by Phytopharm pharmaceutical company-the leading researcher of Hoodia diet supplements-obese topics who consumed Hoodia ate 1000 calories less on a daily basis, and 7000 calories less per week, than topics denied Hoodia.

Contemplating that it normally requires a deficit of 3000 energy to shed 1 pound of physique excess weight, this could simply translate to a lack of two lbs per week, and a loss at least10 pounds per month. For this reason, the weight loss industry is now harvesting and manufacturing Hoodia Gordonni like a diet supplement. Hoodia diet drugs are easily readily available on the web and in well being foods stores everywhere.

Hoodia pilifera X Hoodia gordonii hybrid flower - Corona Macro by Martin_Heigan

Diet plan supplements that work are rather difficult to arrive by, specially on the web. So in the event you aren't comfy with buying them on the internet, then we recommend browsing your native supplement retailer in town to view if they have any of what you are searching for. Chain health foods stores like GNC, Wholefoods, and so on. are extremely great about carrying diet pills that work like hoodia gordonii.

Hemorrhoid Home Therapy - A couple of Quick Tips To Cure Hemorrhoids

Though it is embarrassing to have hemorrhoids, in reality there are plenty of individuals who are afflicted by this sickness. You will find great deal of people who are not truly vocal about this illness that's why they're not conscious of the symptoms and indications of it.

But in the event you will do some researches about it, you'll surely uncover a lot. Normally when you have hemorrhoid cure you will discomfort, swelling, irritation and itching in your anal area. And once you encounter these signs and symptoms, it is important which you have to do some thing about this. It is essential which you have to do some hemorrhoid therapy whilst the signs and symptoms are nonetheless gentle.

And because individuals who suffer from hemorrhoid aren't comfy of talking about this, they just do some self medicine in dealing with your hemorrhoid. Really you will find plenty of treatment that you can do n order to get rid of the discomfort, swelling and inflammation.

Could this fence have haemorrhoids? by GrantSilvester

One of the greatest all-natural hemorrhoid treatments that you can do would be to make a modification together with your way of life. It is essential which you need to eat meals which are wealthy in fiber. If you're not utilized in consuming fruits and vegetable, nicely now it's essential that you need to include these foods with your daily diet. If you usually consume little amount of h2o, then you have to increase fluid consumption simply because this could help you soften your stool and this will assist you to get rid of your hemorrhoid. Having a small sacrifice in your part, you are able to be sure that you will get rid of your hemorrhoid. It'll also help you prevent this illness.

But there are some people who do not know any with the natural hemorrhoid treatment, that's why they don't have any choice but to seek advice from the physician. It's truly essential to consult the physician in order to have the proper treatment for your hemorrhoid. Normally the doctors will prescribe you some medicines that will assist you to eliminate your hemorrhoid. You will find lots o f topical lotions that will be bought more than the counter. These lotions can assist you to in treat6ing your hemorrhoid but it can only final for a few hrs. But once your hemorrhoid will get severe and even worse then surgical treatment is what most physicians recommends you.

Self medicine is really a great idea but once your hemorrhoid get severe it is better to seek advice from the physician in order to have the proper hemorrhoids treatment. This will assist you to prevent the costly price of surgical treatment.

Get The best Options For Genital Warts Therapy

With regards to utilizing a genital warts treatment you will find a few various choices. You can choose to possess them surgically removed or you can use a product called Wartrol. This is a gential wart cream which you rub on the region. When this therapy is applied straight towards the area it will provide you with instant relief. When they're surgically eliminated they're commonly frozen with liquid nitrogen or laser treatment.

While having genital warts relief is no fun there's an easy way to fix it. If you catch it early you can use a genital warts therapy like Wartrol to obtain rid of them. So if you think you have genital warts then it is greatest in the event you take motion now, simply because the earlier you treat this the quicker and simpler they will disappear. Also, get a genital wart cream that uses FDA approved components simply because that means it's secure to use and that the item actually operates. Occasionally less expensive isin't usually better!

genital_warts - 6 by PLGSTD05

By boosting your immune system you are able to battle back against genital herpes. Good homeopathic cures are accessible to help your body battle this. These type of treatments might be less effective but it is an additional choice which you have.

Genital warts are each annoying and embarrassing. But, it turns into much more embarrassing when you are at the Physicians office and there is someone inspecting them near up. By using a item at house you are able to avoid the embarrassment. Wartrol is the 1 item that will be ordered on-line.

By doing this you will be within the privacy of your own house and even the delivery and billing is discreet. The item uses the very best natural ingredients which have been proven to be a very effective genital warts treatment. Try it today and you will not be disappointed.

Tuesday, 19 July 2011


Once you take into account marketing your company on golf courses, there are various factors to be regarded as before purchasing signs. The initial cause is excellent in the indicators. Make sure that the signs that display your brand are produced working with supplies which will withstand the toughest of environments and do not call for a great deal maintenance.

Go for a wide selection of materials - aluminum, bronze, granite, redwood, sandstone Kingstone or Rinowood to find the sign that suits for your business requirement. You'll find some respected firms that provide fantastic turnaround time that would make sure your satisfaction from their service. A trusted firm that presents superior service is Bench Craft Company. It is possible to make contact with such an marketing firm immediately and get a quote. You wish your signs to appear desirable and elegant.

Golf cart is a different powerful way of reaching golfers. You will have your ads in direct sight from the golfers once they ride the cart. An normal round of golf lasts for 5 hrs, which suggests plenty of time to receive sufficient impression. Billboards are the principal marketing items on golf courses. It has double sides, which assists in displaying ads on each sides. It may be installed amid the assistance poles around the front or rear side with the cart. The ideal size for billboards is 4x36 inches and, it might vary as outlined by the course. And, you'll be able to remain assured that it might deliver you 300 to 400 impressions inside a round.

A pin seeker banner is a different helpful way of branding on the golf course. Together with the critical information regarding the course, you are able to also show your brand or logo on pin seeker banners. This really is set up amid the support poles on the front and rear side from the golf cart. They also have a perfect size of 4x36 inches, which can hold varying as outlined by the course. Comparable towards the billboards, they will also help your messages get as several as 300 impressions inside a round.

The GPS around the golf cart may also be utilised like a wonderful marketing medium. The important distance data is generally checked by golfers, and also you can get your ads displayed beside the display. The GPS units are mainly installed on the dashboard or around the windshield. And, the benefit of marketing on digital technological innovation is the fact that you can update your advertisements whenever you wish.
Marketing firms like Bench Craft Company give comprehensive sponsorship and marketing selections that allow your brand to achieve matchless exposure towards the high-end golf players and audience. Employing the extensive marketing options, you will get your brand messages displayed on golf courses for extended intervals of time.

The advantage of advertising on golf courses is the fact that it provides you additional than 90% reach to golfers and audience, and there's no other medium that delivers so much achievement rate. Since your brand gets an extended period of exposure, golfers will be ready to view your advertisements from 1 to 6 hours around the basis of the placement. And, this implies that you simply get good recognition for your brand as golfers will link it with enjoyment. And, when you are working with qualified marketing firms, you'll be able to remain assured that there is no cluttering as every single placement will carry separate brands.
Yet another helpful marketing medium will be the golfer’s bag. Golfers drive across the course with their bags or they just leave it at the bag drop, but it can usually acquire a minimum of 30 impressions within a round.

Another advertising medium to reach a wide spectrum of golfers is as a result of driving ranges. The normal session can last from 30 to 45 minutes, and you can get exclusive impressions to your brands and solutions.

Driving assortment displays make it easier to attain golfers of diverse ranges. You get prime logo positioning in certain hitting bay. Marketing firms styles driving ranges, customized to suit the present range configuration of every course. This includes pop-out banners, A-frames and materials for mesh banner.

Skilled advertising firms make sure comprehensive flexibility so as to create sure that your business gets linked with your audience inside a manner it makes sense.

Most of the trustworthy golf course marketing firms allow you to select inventory with the golf course or for golf events. And, because the campaigns may be customized, they are going to always match into for your spending budget. The length of the advertising campaign can assortment over golf seasons or above months.

And, each of the functions with the campaign are facilitated by the advertising firm. This involves style, placement, reporting and maintenance. And, the approval from the golf course, for the inventive materials, can also be the responsibility from the marketing firm. If you are interested in exploring golf course advertising to market your business, then you ought to surely take a look at

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

how to budget personal finances

You can manage your personal finances by utilizing your hard earned money in a proper way. You have to save money to cement a lucrative lifestyle and eliminate your financial woe. If you are struggling to pay off your debts then you can enroll in a debt management program to attain financial liberty. In this article you can get an idea about the steps you should take to eliminate your debt and secure your financial future by building an emergency fund.

Here are a few ways that will help you pay off your owed amount and save a considerable amount of money:

1. Avoid taking out new loan:

You need to change your habit of borrowing money otherwise it might be difficult to come out from the vicious cycle of debt. The first step towards a debt free life is to stop taking out loans to manage your expenses. You can never come out from the debt trap if you frequently use your credit card or take out a payday loan to meet your daily expenses.

2. Prepare a budget plan:

Budgeting helps you track your expenses so that you spend within your means. When you formulate your budget make sure that your expenses do not exceed your income, otherwise you need to redesign your budget again.

3. Open an emergency fund:

Your topmost priority will be to deposit a portion of your income in the bank as an emergency fund. Every month you should contribute a stipulated amount in the savings account to use in time of financial crisis. After you eliminate your debts you can set aside a considerable portion of your income to deposit it in your emergency fund.

4. Eradicate you debt by paying it off:

The financial guru Dave Ramsey recommends the debt stricken consumers to pay off their debts with the help of a snowball method. They can make a list of the owed amount along with the interest rate in an ascending order. Make payments on your small interest debts and make minimum payments on the remaining debts. Once you have paid off your small interest debts then you can concentrate on paying the high interest debt.

Therefore, these above mentioned tips can guide you to make proper use of your money so that you regain your financial independence.

You can manage your personal finances by utilizing your hard earned money in a proper way. You have to save money to cement a lucrative lifestyle and eliminate your financial woe. If you are struggling to pay off your debts then you can enroll in a debt management program to attain financial liberty. In this article you can get an idea about the steps you should take to eliminate your debt and secure your financial future by building an emergency fund.

Here are a few ways that will help you pay off your owed amount and save a considerable amount of money:

1. Avoid taking out new loan:

You need to change your habit of borrowing money otherwise it might be difficult to come out from the vicious cycle of debt. The first step towards a debt free life is to stop taking out loans to manage your expenses. You can never come out from the debt trap if you frequently use your credit card or take out a payday loan to meet your daily expenses.

2. Prepare a budget plan:

Budgeting helps you track your expenses so that you spend within your means. When you formulate your budget make sure that your expenses do not exceed your income, otherwise you need to redesign your budget again.

3. Open an emergency fund:

Your topmost priority will be to deposit a portion of your income in the bank as an emergency fund. Every month you should contribute a stipulated amount in the savings account to use in time of financial crisis. After you eliminate your debts you can set aside a considerable portion of your income to deposit it in your emergency fund.

4. Eradicate you debt by paying it off:

The financial guru Dave Ramsey recommends the debt stricken consumers to pay off their debts with the help of a snowball method. They can make a list of the owed amount along with the interest rate in an ascending order. Make payments on your small interest debts and make minimum payments on the remaining debts. Once you have paid off your small interest debts then you can concentrate on paying the high interest debt.

Therefore, these above mentioned tips can guide you to make proper use of your money so that you regain your financial independence.

Jon Stewart Tackles the <b>News</b> of the World Scandal

But before Stewart could expound on his point, correspondent John Oliver presented him with a recap of Rupert Murdoch's News of the World scandal--a friendly reminder that the British will always find a way to out-shame ...

Jon Stewart Tackles the <b>News</b> of the World Scandal

Phone Hacking: Rupert Murdoch&#39;s Leadership Of <b>News</b> Corp Comes <b>...</b>

LOS ANGELES — As investors punished News Corp.'s stock again on Monday, questions arose anew about the leadership of its chief executive, Rupert Murdoch. The phone hacking scandal in Britain now threatens to engulf top ...

Phone Hacking: Rupert Murdoch&#39;s Leadership Of <b>News</b> Corp Comes <b>...</b>

Dispatches from the new <b>news</b> landscape, Univision edition | Felix <b>...</b>

Senator Marco Rubio of Florida has a brother-in-law with a rather embarrassing past.

Dispatches from the new <b>news</b> landscape, Univision edition | Felix <b>...</b>

pa bobby ferguson

Jon Stewart Tackles the <b>News</b> of the World Scandal

But before Stewart could expound on his point, correspondent John Oliver presented him with a recap of Rupert Murdoch's News of the World scandal--a friendly reminder that the British will always find a way to out-shame ...

Jon Stewart Tackles the <b>News</b> of the World Scandal

Phone Hacking: Rupert Murdoch&#39;s Leadership Of <b>News</b> Corp Comes <b>...</b>

LOS ANGELES — As investors punished News Corp.'s stock again on Monday, questions arose anew about the leadership of its chief executive, Rupert Murdoch. The phone hacking scandal in Britain now threatens to engulf top ...

Phone Hacking: Rupert Murdoch&#39;s Leadership Of <b>News</b> Corp Comes <b>...</b>

Dispatches from the new <b>news</b> landscape, Univision edition | Felix <b>...</b>

Senator Marco Rubio of Florida has a brother-in-law with a rather embarrassing past.

Dispatches from the new <b>news</b> landscape, Univision edition | Felix <b>...</b>

You can manage your personal finances by utilizing your hard earned money in a proper way. You have to save money to cement a lucrative lifestyle and eliminate your financial woe. If you are struggling to pay off your debts then you can enroll in a debt management program to attain financial liberty. In this article you can get an idea about the steps you should take to eliminate your debt and secure your financial future by building an emergency fund.

Here are a few ways that will help you pay off your owed amount and save a considerable amount of money:

1. Avoid taking out new loan:

You need to change your habit of borrowing money otherwise it might be difficult to come out from the vicious cycle of debt. The first step towards a debt free life is to stop taking out loans to manage your expenses. You can never come out from the debt trap if you frequently use your credit card or take out a payday loan to meet your daily expenses.

2. Prepare a budget plan:

Budgeting helps you track your expenses so that you spend within your means. When you formulate your budget make sure that your expenses do not exceed your income, otherwise you need to redesign your budget again.

3. Open an emergency fund:

Your topmost priority will be to deposit a portion of your income in the bank as an emergency fund. Every month you should contribute a stipulated amount in the savings account to use in time of financial crisis. After you eliminate your debts you can set aside a considerable portion of your income to deposit it in your emergency fund.

4. Eradicate you debt by paying it off:

The financial guru Dave Ramsey recommends the debt stricken consumers to pay off their debts with the help of a snowball method. They can make a list of the owed amount along with the interest rate in an ascending order. Make payments on your small interest debts and make minimum payments on the remaining debts. Once you have paid off your small interest debts then you can concentrate on paying the high interest debt.

Therefore, these above mentioned tips can guide you to make proper use of your money so that you regain your financial independence.

You can manage your personal finances by utilizing your hard earned money in a proper way. You have to save money to cement a lucrative lifestyle and eliminate your financial woe. If you are struggling to pay off your debts then you can enroll in a debt management program to attain financial liberty. In this article you can get an idea about the steps you should take to eliminate your debt and secure your financial future by building an emergency fund.

Here are a few ways that will help you pay off your owed amount and save a considerable amount of money:

1. Avoid taking out new loan:

You need to change your habit of borrowing money otherwise it might be difficult to come out from the vicious cycle of debt. The first step towards a debt free life is to stop taking out loans to manage your expenses. You can never come out from the debt trap if you frequently use your credit card or take out a payday loan to meet your daily expenses.

2. Prepare a budget plan:

Budgeting helps you track your expenses so that you spend within your means. When you formulate your budget make sure that your expenses do not exceed your income, otherwise you need to redesign your budget again.

3. Open an emergency fund:

Your topmost priority will be to deposit a portion of your income in the bank as an emergency fund. Every month you should contribute a stipulated amount in the savings account to use in time of financial crisis. After you eliminate your debts you can set aside a considerable portion of your income to deposit it in your emergency fund.

4. Eradicate you debt by paying it off:

The financial guru Dave Ramsey recommends the debt stricken consumers to pay off their debts with the help of a snowball method. They can make a list of the owed amount along with the interest rate in an ascending order. Make payments on your small interest debts and make minimum payments on the remaining debts. Once you have paid off your small interest debts then you can concentrate on paying the high interest debt.

Therefore, these above mentioned tips can guide you to make proper use of your money so that you regain your financial independence.

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Jon Stewart Tackles the <b>News</b> of the World Scandal

But before Stewart could expound on his point, correspondent John Oliver presented him with a recap of Rupert Murdoch's News of the World scandal--a friendly reminder that the British will always find a way to out-shame ...

Jon Stewart Tackles the <b>News</b> of the World Scandal

Phone Hacking: Rupert Murdoch&#39;s Leadership Of <b>News</b> Corp Comes <b>...</b>

LOS ANGELES — As investors punished News Corp.'s stock again on Monday, questions arose anew about the leadership of its chief executive, Rupert Murdoch. The phone hacking scandal in Britain now threatens to engulf top ...

Phone Hacking: Rupert Murdoch&#39;s Leadership Of <b>News</b> Corp Comes <b>...</b>

Dispatches from the new <b>news</b> landscape, Univision edition | Felix <b>...</b>

Senator Marco Rubio of Florida has a brother-in-law with a rather embarrassing past.

Dispatches from the new <b>news</b> landscape, Univision edition | Felix <b>...</b>

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Jon Stewart Tackles the <b>News</b> of the World Scandal

But before Stewart could expound on his point, correspondent John Oliver presented him with a recap of Rupert Murdoch's News of the World scandal--a friendly reminder that the British will always find a way to out-shame ...

Jon Stewart Tackles the <b>News</b> of the World Scandal

Phone Hacking: Rupert Murdoch&#39;s Leadership Of <b>News</b> Corp Comes <b>...</b>

LOS ANGELES — As investors punished News Corp.'s stock again on Monday, questions arose anew about the leadership of its chief executive, Rupert Murdoch. The phone hacking scandal in Britain now threatens to engulf top ...

Phone Hacking: Rupert Murdoch&#39;s Leadership Of <b>News</b> Corp Comes <b>...</b>

Dispatches from the new <b>news</b> landscape, Univision edition | Felix <b>...</b>

Senator Marco Rubio of Florida has a brother-in-law with a rather embarrassing past.

Dispatches from the new <b>news</b> landscape, Univision edition | Felix <b>...</b>

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